
Carbon cycle diagram
Carbon cycle diagram

carbon cycle diagram

Soil microbes change nitrogen compounds into forms that can be used by plants.Soil microbes move carbon down into the soil where it can be stored for hundreds of years.This process releases CO 2 to the surrounding soil and to the atmosphere in a process called soil respiration carbon dioxide produced when organisms living in soil carry out cell respiration includes respiration by soil bacteria, fungi and fauna, and the cells of plant roots. When soil microbes (bacteria and fungi) decompose dead material, they break down larger carbon compounds into smaller compounds.Soil microbes, the smallest organisms in the food web, have one of the most critical roles in transforming and moving carbon compounds through food webs and ecosystems.

carbon cycle diagram

Heterotrophs break these complex organic carbon compounds down into smaller molecules and use the carbon atoms to biosynthesize new organic carbon compounds. Heterotrophs organisms that cannot manufacture their own food and instead obtain their food and energy by taking in organic substances, usually plant or animal matter animals, protozoans, fungi, and most bacteria are heterotrophs., like ourselves, do not photosynthesize and so must find and eat food made of carbon compounds such as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. , plants make their own food in the form of glucose sugar. As autotrophs organisms capable of synthesizing their own food from inorganic substances using light or chemical energy green plants, algae, and certain bacteria are autotrophs. The global carbon cycle cannot exist without plants and the food webs they support. Organisms in food webs pass the carbon on Then, you will take on the role of a carbon atom moving throughout a Lodgepole Pine forest ecosystem.

carbon cycle diagram

In this Lab section, you will learn how carbon compounds move throughout a terrestrial and aquatic food webs. In Lab 1, you learned about the molecular nature of carbon compounds and the carbon cycle, and its relationship to other biogeochemical cycles such as the nitrogen cycle. Carbon on the Move! Part A: A Forest Carbon Cycle

Carbon cycle diagram